1. Flows

Updated by Griffin Steinman


The admin panel is the “Backend” of inbox where most of the settings are controlled. For our training purposes, we will be focusing on the following sections:

  1. Flows
  2. Messenger
  3. Clients
  4. Deployment Center
  5. Members

Each of these sections have specific usage or information that are useful to you and your team.

This doc will focus on Flows


Flows are the biggest part of what makes inbox so special. The admin panel is where you can edit existing flows or create new ones.

Let’s look at an example flow:

The flow shown above is the flow associated with the all channel in inbox. Flows use logic mapping and set criteria to trigger certain actions. In this flow, we see that if a thread is:

  1. On the Help Desk OR Sales Board
  2. AND the status is not “New”
  3. AND the status is not ”Product Backlog”

Then the thread will flow into this channel.

Video Explanation

Dynamic Flows

Dynamic flows is a feature that allows for threads to flow in and out of channels if they no longer meet their flow requirements

On - Threads are able to flow in and out of the channel depending on if they meet the flow requirements or not

Off - Once a thread meets a flows requirements and they enter the channel, they stay there until the thread is closed.

Common Flow FAQ

Q: "When I create a flow with "dynamic flow" enabled, will all my thread instantly flow into that channel?"

A: Not quite, something to consider with dynamic flows is that it will only affect threads that are changed after the flow is implemented. But what does that mean?

So the way Thread keeps up in real time with the PSA is via a thing called webhooks.

“A webhook is a mechanism that allows one system or application to send real-time data to another system or application as soon as a specific event occurs. It is a way for systems to communicate with each other in an automated and efficient manner.

Unlike traditional APIs where one system periodically polls another for updates, a webhook enables the server to push information to the recipient as soon as the relevant event happens. This helps in achieving near-instantaneous communication and is more efficient in terms of both time and resources.

Here's a basic flow of how a webhook works:

  1. Event Occurs: Something happens in the source system that triggers an event (e.g., a new user signing up, a payment being made, or a file being updated).
  2. Webhook Triggered: The source system sends an HTTP request to a predefined URL (the webhook endpoint) along with relevant data about the event.
  3. Recipient System Processes Data: The recipient system, which is listening at the webhook endpoint, receives the incoming data.
  4. Action Taken: The recipient system processes the data and takes appropriate actions based on the received information.

Webhooks are commonly used in various applications, such as integration between different web services, real-time notifications, and automation workflows. They provide a more efficient and responsive way for systems to communicate and stay synchronized.”

Keep in mind, like most internet related technologies, webhooks are not 100% reliable. It is possible for a webhook to be missed

When a change that triggers a webhook is made in either the PSA or inbox, the thread is updated with the new information on both ends.

What actions constitute a “change”? (webhook to be sent)

  • Sending a reply
  • Adding an internal note (best method)
  • Changing the status
  • Changing the board
  • Etc…

Down to brass tacks now, if you setup a flow with dynamic flows enabled, threads that meet the channel requirements will NOT instantly flow into the channel. They will need to be updated first with a fresh webhook in order for them to flow into these channels

Q: "What is the difference between the "Status" and "Status Name" flow parameters?"

A: Status - This parameter selects ONE (1) status from ONE (1) board from your PSA.

Example: Let’s say you have a help desk board and a sales board. Each of these boards has a status called “Waiting Client Response”. If you only wanted to grab threads with the “Waiting Client Response” status from the Help Desk board, you would set “Status = Waiting Client Response”. When you click the dropdown menu, it shows every status from every board.

Status Name - This parameter searches for a status name across all boards in your PSA.

Example: Take the same scenario as the previous one. If you wanted to grab threads the the “Waiting Client Response” status from both the Help Desk and Sales Board, you would use “Status Name like Waiting Client Response”

Video example

Q: "What is the difference between the "Owner" and "Member" flow parameters?"

A: Owner - The owner flow parameter is the primary assigned member of the thread

Member - The member flow parameter includes both the owner of the thread and any additional resources or members.

If you wish to filter by threads directly assigned to a tech, use the Owner parameter.

If you wish to filter by threads for someone who could be both an owner or a secondary resource, use the Member parameter.

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