What is Inbox and How Do I Use It?

Updated by Kelly Schwarz

Inbox is where you receive live chats and new tickets that are created from Messenger. You can use Inbox together with Slack or Microsoft Teams or as a standalone app.

You can access Inbox via https://inbox.getthread.com or download the app on Windows or Mac.

When logged in, your initial screen should look something like this.

On the left side you'll find your channels, pre-defined views where you can find a list of chats and tickets. Under your profile dropdown, you can switch companies and log out.

You can search within a channel via the Search icon on top of the list.


You can reply directly in a chat below and find information about this contact and ticket in the right sidebar.

You can click send or hit "Enter" to send your message directly or Shift+Enter for a new line.


In the reply field, you can type "/" to see the available commands.

  • Note
    • Write an internal note, access by typing "/note".
  • Assign
    • Assign someone to the ticket, access by typing "/assign".
  • Status
    • Change the status of the ticket, access by typing "/status".
  • Priority
    • Change the priority of the ticket, access by typing "/priority".
  • Time
    • Start and stop a timer and log your time to the ticket, access by typing "/time".

Create a new ticket

To start a new conversation with a contact, click the "+ New Thread" button in the left navigation.

This will provide you with a new window where you can select the contact, board and provide a summary.

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