Messenger Portal Auto Authentication
Messenger Portal Auto Authentication
For some of our larger partners who have a custom built portal or third party vendors looking to provide the web version of Messenger in their platform, we now offer a way to automatically authenticate Messenger with your portal.
Our web based Messenger is a javascript plugin that leverages passwordless authentication by default - this means that the end customer has to type their email and receive a 6 digit pin to authenticate to raise a service request. If you have a portal that already requires authentication, you do not want the end customer to re-authenticate. In order to facilitate this, we are now providing a way to encrypt the email address on your server side and pass it into the javascript plugin. We also have the key on our side, so we can decrypt it and validate that the end user is who they say they are. This prevents a bad actor from hijacking the chat client and pretending to be someone else.
Once you receive the secret from Thread, these are the steps you will need to take:
- Store the secret securely on your server side
- Securely generated hash with the secret provided by Thread
Hash must be generated from the following formathash_hmac('sha256', <email>, <secret>)
- Insert the javascript plugin into your web client, and in the connectionKey, insert the hash that is generated. Ensure that you are also passing the connectoinEmail to match it , and that your connectionType is set the right way.
var chatgenieParams = {
appId: "5b2f5498-e578-42a9-8119-98e01e642626",
connectionType: "messenger_auth",
conenctionEmail: "",
connectionKey: "XXXXXXXX"
function run(ch){ch.default.messenger().initialize(chatgenieParams);}!function(){var e=window.chatgenie;if(e)run(e);else{function t(){var t=document.createElement("script");t.type="text/javascript",t.async=true,t.readyState?t.onreadystatechange=function(){"loaded"!==t.readyState&&"complete"!==t.readyState||(t.onreadystatechange=null,window.chatgenie&&(e=window.chatgenie,run(e)))}:t.onload=function(){window.chatgenie&&(e=window.chatgenie,run(e))},t.src="";var n=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];n.parentNode.insertBefore(t,n)}window.attachEvent?window.attachEvent("onload",t):window.addEventListener("load",t,!1)}}();
| App ID of your workspace |
| Only |
| Email of the user who is trying to access Messenger |
| Securely generated hash with the secret provided by Thread Hash must be generated from the following format |
Managing Messenger instance
Programmatically set up:
const params = { appId: 'xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx' };
if (user.messengerConnectionKey) {
params.connectionType = 'messenger_auth';
params.connectionKey = user.messengerConnectionKey;
params.connectionEmail =;
Destroy instance: