How to Enable Thread Pods in ConnectWise PSA

Updated by Stephen Boss

Thread is introducing a new way to chat with your customers in real-time, through pods in ConnectWise!

Now you can bring the power of Thread directly into ConnectWise, experience all the great features Inbox has to offer including real-time chat, automated time entries, snippets @mentions and more!

Best of all, it is super easy to setup. This guide will show you how.


Add the Pods to your Service Ticket view in ConnectWise

Each technician who wants access to the Pods will need to set it up in their service ticket view in ConnectWise.
  1. Open a service ticket in ConnectWise PSA
  2. Click the gear icon in the top-left corner and select Pod Configuration
  3. Select Thread Auto time entries and Thread Real time notes -> Move to Displayed -> click Save
  1. Drag and drop the pods where you want them!

These pods replace much of the capabilities of the Initial Description and Notes pods in ConnectWise


What if I don't see the option to add the pods in the service ticket view?

If you don't see the option to add the pods to your service ticket view in ConnectWise, follow these steps to troubleshoot and fix it.

  1. Log in to ConnectWise PSA as an Administrator
  2. Navigate to System -> Setup Tables -> Search for the table Manage Hosted API & open that Setup Table.
  3. Check to see if the following entries exist.
    1. If they do exist, great! Thread was able to create the pods. Click on each pod to check its Location Restrictions. If a Location Restriction is set and you're not assigned to that location, you won't be able to view the pod. To fix it, add your location and they should now be available.
    2. If the pods don't exist in the list, its possible we didn't have the requisite permissions to enable the pods when you set up your Thread Workspace, move on to the next step to check your permissions.
  4. Select in the left side panel System -> Security Roles and search for the security role you set up for the Thread API user
  5. Edit the Thread API user security role settings
  6. System -> Table Setup, click Customize on the right
  7. You will see a pop up modal in which you can Allow or Disallow particular permissions. Make sure to allow the following permissions:
    • General / Manage Hosted API
  8. Save when done
  9. Submit a thread to our support team here and ask if they can enable the pods for your workspace.

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