Thread Training 1: Getting Started with Thread

Updated by Kelly Schwarz

🎞️Session Recording

If you don't want to watch the full session, you can recap by following the Getting Started Checklist below. The checklist items cover the major tasks outlined in the full session recording.


Onboarding 1 - Getting Started with Thread.pdf

⚡What We Covered

Don't want to watch the full recording? Read on for a modular version of what we covered on the session!

1. Pre-Onboarding Checklist

Just a reminder for those that are joining us late.

  1. ✅ Make sure that your company's Thread Workspace has been created and that you have integrated with your PSA. 
    1. 📖 Instructions: First-time Thread Workspace Setup.

 2. Getting Started Checklist

Please complete these tasks before Thread Onboarding 2 - Let's chat about chat

  1. ✅ Give your team access to Thread here. Setup any teammates that will be helping administer Thread or deploy chat to customers with Admin access.
  2. ✅ Lets brand your customer experience! Configure Messenger Settings, Design and Hours.
    1. 📖 Instructions: Setting up Messenger.
  3. ✅ Set up a custom Teams app.
    1. 📖 Instructions: Messenger Teams App Design.
  4. ✅ Let's create our first channel in Thread! This will help you respond to requests lightning fast. Configure a channel to receive Chats in Inbox.
    1. 📖 Instructions: Setting up Inbox.
  5. ✅Install the Teams customer chat app in your internal or sandbox tenant to test the customer experience among your team.
    1. 📖Instructions: How to install customer-facing chat app (choose your own company or a test company as the client)
  6. If applicable, design your custom Slack app via this form.
  7. ✅ Try it out! Test some chats via admin panel and respond in Inbox.
    1. 📖 Instructions: Testing Messenger.

3. 🏋️ Next Training - Thread Flows & Inbox Channels

Check out our next session to continue the series!

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