Thread Training: Thread Flows & Inbox Channels

Updated by Kelly Schwarz

🎞️Session Recording


Training #2 Workflows, Automation & AI.pdf

🚶What We Covered

  1. ✅ Verify that you have completed all the tasks from Thread Training 1.
  2. ✅ Last session, you created an Inbox channel for your Chats. Now, connect the flow powering this channel to your internal-facing Teams or Slack Companion App so that your first responders can get notified of incoming Chats.
    1. 📖 Instructions if you use Teams Internally: Connecting Teams for your Company
    2. 📖 Instructions if you use Slack Internally: Connecting Thread to your Slack Workspace and Handling live chat tickets in Slack
      One benefit of chat to customers is the quick response time and knowing they can get help quickly. For chat to be a success, we recommend setting up notifications in Teams /Slack so that your first responders can respond urgently.
  3. The chat channel we created last session will be the home for our Chat requests. But what if we have a dispatch or triage team that just needs to triage and action new chats? Let's create a Dynamic Channel for Triage.
  4. ✅ Now, practice building your workflow into Inbox and Teams/Slack. How does your team ingest and handle tickets today? Reproduce that process in Inbox via Channels & Flows.
    1. If you assign a thread to a teammate from Inbox, it will show up in My Inbox for that user, they will also get a notification in Teams / Slack when they have been assigned - just make sure to configure their notification settings in Thread Admin Panel > Members.
    2. If you follow a Pod-based model, build channels for your pods in Inbox. You can also sync with corresponding teams in Teams / Slack (if you are OK with the notifications).
      Flows support the following filters that are useful for Pods: Board, Company, Company Type, Contact Type
    3. If you follow a Tier-based model, build channels for your service tiers in inbox. You can also sync with corresponding teams in Teams / Slack (if you are OK with the notifications).
      Flows support the following filters that are useful for Tiers: Board, Status/Status Type (e.g. Escalation), Owner
  5. Customer Deployments! Check out our next webinar to continue the series.

🏋️Next Session

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