3. The Thread Itself

Updated by Griffin Steinman

Inbox is where you and your colleagues provide service for your customer. It is the app you use, as the service provider, to collaborate with your teammates and customers. Inbox was designed to give your team service superpowers so that you can focus on providing great service!

Inbox isn't limited to managing customer chats, it can also be used by your entire organization to manage all the service tickets coming from your ticketing system.”

-Stephen Boss (Head of Customer Success, circa 2022)

1. The Channel Viewer

2. Inside the Channel

3. The Thread Itself

4. The Control Panel

Each of these sections have specific usage or information that are useful to you and your team.

This doc will focus on the Thread Itself inside each channel

The Thread Itself

This is where the magic happens. There are a few details here that we need to go over. Let’s that this thread as an example

The Summary

The summary is shown at the top of this section next to an icon. This icon is the source indicator, and can let you know where this thread was submitted. In this case this thread was submitted via Messenger.

Contacts and Members:

Each thread can have 1 or more contacts and members associated with it.

Contact - The contact is the person who submitted the thread and the usually the end user

Member - Members are internal tech’s who work on tickets

You can add members or contacts to a thread they either “@ Mentioning” them or by clicking the add button up at the top next to the already existing names.

Bundle & Merge, Notifications, and PSA Sync

The left icon is for bundle & merging threads. When you click on it, you have the option to either bundle or merge two threads.

The middle icon is for notifications on a per thread basis. Each thread has this icon and it can be turned on or off.

On - you will receive notifications for this thread

Off - you will not receive notifications for this thread

The right icon is used to sync the thread with current information of that thread in your PSA

The Chat Box

Reply - This section is for typing out replies to threads. This is a CUSTOMER-facing message and will be sent to all contacts on the thread.

Note - This section is for typing out internal messages that can only be viewed by members of your workspace. This is an INTERNAL-facing message.

Be CAREFUL when typing a note or reply. Sometimes you may accidently send a message to the customer when you intended to write an internal note. Make sure to double check what tab you have selected

Assign - the /assign command that can be used to change the assigned member

Status - the /status command that can be used to change the current status of a thread

Priority - the /priority command that can be used to change the current priority of a thread

Snippets - This tab will display all of your team’s snippets along with any snippets you created for yourself

Time - This tab has a few options for the time-pad (I never use it)

Actions - This tab includes actions for the PSA and well as the ability to trigger Magic AI actions.

The only other thing to mention here is the “Aa” icon that toggles the text editor as well as changes the send from “enter” to “Ctrl + enter”

The last thing is the send by email checkbox.

This checkbox will determine if the reply you are about to send is going to also be sent as an email as well as a message.

This checkbox is enabled by default for non-live threads (emails) and disabled to live thread (messenger chats and threads created via the slack service and teams service apps)

FAQ Section

Q: "My reporting in my PSA is showing that any thread closed in inbox is not being attributed to the tech but instead being attributed to the Thread API user. Is there a way around this?"

A: ConnectWise's API doesn't allow integrations to set the closed by field. Our partners have solved for this in their reporting by updating their reports to report on the owner for closed tickets (instead of closed by).

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