4. The Control Panel

Updated by Griffin Steinman

Inbox is where you and your colleagues provide service for your customer. It is the app you use, as the service provider, to collaborate with your teammates and customers. Inbox was designed to give your team service superpowers so that you can focus on providing great service!

Inbox isn't limited to managing customer chats, it can also be used by your entire organization to manage all the service tickets coming from your ticketing system.”

-Stephen Boss (Head of Customer Success, circa 2022)

1. The Channel Viewer

2. Inside the Channel

3. The Thread Itself

4. The Control Panel

Each of these sections have specific usage or information that are useful to you and your team.

This doc will focus on the the control panel

The Control Panel

The control panel is a useful tool that contains essential info about the thread you are currently viewing.

The Contact Card

This section contains information about the contact on a thread including their name, email address, and the company they are with.

Time Pad

Time Pad is where you store the time you spend on a thread as well as any notes. This is also where one of our Magic AI features lives - AI generated notes.

You can learn more about Time Entries here.

Thread Information

This section holds generated info about the thread including things such as status, board, priority, assignee, type, sub-type, item, agreement, site, and other things of that nature. This is the place where you can change all of these types of this like status and priority, rather than using the slash commands. This section also contains the thread #, along with a hyperlink to the thread in the PSA

Chat with Magic AI, Configurations, and Recent Threads

At the bottom of the control panel are 3 other sections

1. Chat with Magic - This is an AI chatbot that scans the content of the thread you are viewing and answers questions based on that information.

2. Configurations - This is where you can see any configuration tied to the thread you are viewing, as well as where you can add one as you see fit.

3. Recent Threads - This section shows you other threads from the same contact of that thread you are viewing.

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