Phishing or Scam Email Report Intent

Updated by Stephen Boss

Phishing or Scam Email Report Intent

The Phishing or Scam Email Report intent facilitates reporting phishing attempts or scam emails received by a user, either for themselves or on behalf of another user. This intent ensures the necessary information is gathered for the security team to investigate and take appropriate actions.

Use Cases

  • Reporting phishing or scam emails for investigation.
  • Submitting details of suspicious email content, sender, and actions taken.
  • Supporting users in identifying and reporting phishing attempts effectively.

Configuration Guide

1. Create the Intent

  1. Navigate to Magic AI > Agent > Catalog.
  2. Click Create Intent.
  3. Input the following details:
    • Intent Name: Phishing or Scam Email Report
    • Description:

      A request to report phishing attempts or scam emails received by a user, either experienced personally or on behalf of another user.

    • Who can use this intent: Select All clients or adjust as needed.

2. Configure Arguments

Below is the configuration for required form fields, matching the screenshots:

Argument Name




Recipient Name

Ask the name of the user affected by the phishing or scam email; if the user is reporting for themselves, don’t ask, just use their name.



Recipient Email

Ask the email of the user affected by the phishing or scam email; if the user is reporting for themselves, don’t ask, just use their email.

Email address


Sender Email

Ask the email address of the sender of the email. If they already shared this information, don’t ask; just use what they shared.

Email address


Email Subject

Ask the subject line of the email. If they already shared this information, don’t ask; just use what they shared.



Date and Time Received

Ask the user when the email was received.



Actions Taken

Ask the user if any action was taken after opening the email. For example, were any links clicked or attachments downloaded? If described, don’t ask again.



Email Copy

Ask the user if they can provide a copy or screenshot of the phishing or scam email. Only ask once; if they don’t provide this, don’t ask again.



Email Platform

Ask what email platform the user is using. If they already shared this information, don’t ask; just use what they shared.



3. Configure External Reply

If the user provided the email platform, guide them on how to report the email as spam using their platform. Confirm if the attempt was reported successfully and inform them the security team will review and follow up.

4. Configure Automation

If applicable, set up automation by specifying the appropriate API URL:

  • URL for the API: Add the endpoint for phishing or scam email reports.

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