Guide to Setting Up Thread Inbox for the Tiered Service Model

Updated by Kristof Orts

The Thread Inbox allows you to set up channels that reflect your team's tier structure, enabling you to create a dedicated channel per level of urgency. Follow these steps to configure your Thread Inbox channels for the tiered service model:

Step 1: Create Channels for Each Tier

  1. Login to Thread Inbox.
  2. Create a new channel by clicking the "+" next to Channels.
  3. Give your channel the name of your tier, for example, "Tier 1".
  4. Invite agents that are part of this team by typing their names and selecting them. By default, you are already in the channel.
  5. Click Confirm when you're done.

Step 2: Define Ticket Flows

  1. Login to Thread Admin Panel.
  2. Go to the Flow section to define what tickets should go into the channel.
  3. Choose which board you want to receive tickets from.
  4. To receive live chats, set the source to Messenger. This will send all chats created from Teams, Slack, desktop, web, Android, etc. To receive all tickets, regardless of the source, filter by Service Board or other criteria. Customize the flow to best fit your tier’s needs and how you want to receive inbound threads.
  5. Click Rule to select which priority the ticket has.
  6. There are many other filters, such as Companies, where you can select specific companies that are VIPs, or even specific contacts.
  7. Check Dynamic Flows to automatically remove tickets from this channel that no longer match the flow criteria.
  8. You can also route these tickets to Teams or Slack (depending on which you have integrated) by clicking on the "+".
  9. Click Save.
  10. Repeat this process to create additional tiers!
Threads will only appear in the channel once the tickets fitting the criteria you set in the flows have been modified. To test this setup, modify an existing ticket in your ticketing system to force it to appear in Thread Inbox and route into your channel.

By following these steps, you can efficiently set up your Thread Inbox to align with your tiered service model, ensuring that each level of support has a dedicated channel for their specific ticket priorities.

For additional support, contact your Customer Success Manager.

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